维生素 & 矿物质相互补充|唐纳森-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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作者:科琳·布什,RDN |

维生素 & 矿物质相互补充

Understanding How Certain Nutrients Perform Better When Paired Together

维生素 & 矿物质相互补充

While individual vitamins and minerals play essential roles in the body, their effectiveness can be amplified when strategically combined. 以下是具体的例子 维生素和矿物质相互补充, which can lead to enhanced absorption of each nutrient and better 健康 outcomes. 

A Quick Note About Getting Your 营养 From Supplements vs. 食物

而补充剂有助于填补营养缺口, we often urge patients to obtain their vital vitamins and minerals from whole foods. Whole foods provide a complex matrix of nutrients, fiber and beneficial compounds that work together to promote overall 健康. Supplements should be seen as a temporary solution and not a substitute for a balanced diet rich in fruits, 蔬菜, lean proteins and whole grains — unless otherwise suggested by your 健康care provider. 

1. 镁 & 维生素D

  • 好处: 镁 assists in the activation of 维生素D, 增强其对心脏健康的益处, 情绪稳定和睡眠.
  • 食物的组合: Blackened salmon salad with berries and pecans.

2. 维生素D & 钙

  • 好处: 维生素D enhances calcium absorption, crucial for bone 健康. 维生素K2 further helps by directing calcium to bones and away from arteries.
  • 食物的组合: Grilled tofu with kale and sesame seeds, a meal rich in both nutrients.

3. 维生素C & 铁

  • 好处: 维生素C improves non-heme iron absorption from plant-based foods, 有助于预防缺铁性贫血.
  • 食物的组合: Spinach salad with strawberries and poppyseed dressing or teriyaki steak with bell peppers.

4. 维生素B12 & 叶酸

  • 好处: Both are essential for red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis, they work together to maintain proper brain function.
  • 食物的组合: Whole grain cereal with fortified soy milk or just a few free-range eggs. 

5. Omega-3脂肪酸 & 维生素D

  • 好处: Omega-3s can enhance 维生素D’s absorption, promoting better heart and immune 健康.
  • 食物的组合: Sardines with a side of avocado and leafy greens.

6. 锌 & 维他命A

  • 好处锌有助于运输维生素A, 对免疫功能和视力是必需的, 从肝脏到身体的其他部位.
  • 食物的组合: Whole grain rice with charred bluefin tuna and roasted tomatoes. 

7. 硒 & 维生素E

  • 好处: 硒 enhances the antioxidant effects of 维生素E, protecting cells from damage and reducing inflammation.
  • 食物的组合: Turkey avocado wrap with spinach or simply a handful of Brazil nuts which contain an ample amount of both nutrients. 

8. 维生素C & 维生素E

  • 好处: These antioxidants negate free radicals damage and regenerate each other, enhancing their effectiveness in protecting cells from oxidative stress. 
  • 食物的组合:柑橘类水果和坚果混合水果沙拉.

9. 维生素K & 钙

  • 好处: 维生素K aids in binding calcium to the bone matrix, preventing bone density loss.
  • 食物的组合: Creamy fettuccine with brussel sprouts and mushrooms. 

10. 钾 & 镁

  • 好处: Both minerals work together to support cardiovascular 健康 by maintaining normal blood pressure and muscle function. 
  • 食物的组合: Bananas with a handful of almonds or salmon with roasted sweet potato and asparagus.

维生素 & 矿物要谨慎结合

  • 钙 & 铁: These minerals compete for absorption in the intestines, which can reduce the efficacy of both; this competition can also result in constipation, 腹泻或其他胃肠道症状.
  • 锌 & 铜: High levels of zinc can interfere with copper absorption and vice versa, which can lead to numbness and weakness in the arms and legs. 
  • 维生素E & 维生素K: High doses of 维生素E can potentially interfere with 维生素K’s role in blood clotting.




Colleen Bush, RDN, LDN, IFNCP,是 首席功能营养师 在唐纳森. She utilizes the latest dynamic diagnostic testing solutions to get to the root cause of her patients’ 健康 concerns before creating customized lifestyle plans that will help them achieve optimal 健康. Colleen also believes that education and understanding the core principles of nutrition are necessary for living a long, 舒适的, 健康的生活.

